The Secrets of the Valley

As those who know me know, I’m an iPhone junky. If there’s an app-for-that I probably have it. I got a new one the other day. It’s called Topographic Maps Canada and was developed by David Crawshay. It’s a mapping application, but unlike most, this one uses topographic maps instead of satellite or conventional road maps.

I love Topo maps. So much detail, and usually unique detail compared to other maps. They are great for exploring.

So I took my new app to the valley for some spring shooting. It’s a place I often overlook in favor beaches and exciting coastlines. It’s an awesome place to explore with countless opportunities for photography year round.

The photograph above was taken in an area I had never really explored (Medford), down a road I was surprised even existed, at the edge of a beach I’d never heard of (Medford Beach). When I got back from my day of exploring I continued the quest online trying to learn a bit more about the area. I’ll be heading back there soon to explore Blue Beach and a walk to or paddle to Paddys Island depending on the tide!.

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