Time for Contemplation

I love driving. It’s always been a great place for me to think.

On the trip, I actually think the time in the car was a better mental debrief for me than the time spent in the cottage. By the time I would get back to where we were staying, I was hungry, tired, and wanted to get clean. Not to mention there was still some work ahead of me (offloading images, quick editing, cleaning up and organizing the gear for the next day). After all that, I wanted sleep. Period.

However, on the ride back, everything is still fresh in my mind. All the experiences of the day, the anticipation of the photographs that are still trapped in the camera, what was successful and what wasn’t (don’t underestimate the value of assessing your shoot BEFORE looking at your images).

At its simplest, the 2 shots above were ways for me to clear my head. I’d be lying to say that I had expectations for them. In the context of the trip however, I think they work really well. I’m excited and kind of proud to see images like these make their way successfully in to my work. Hope for the future?

PS. Full disclosure compels me to admit the JB did almost all the driving on the trip. Something about, if I drove we end up like the picture below. Wuss!

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